Vermilion Flycatcher – That vivacious red bird

One of my favorites of the tiny birds is the Vermilion Flycatcher, (Pyrocephalus rubinus).  At only 6 inches, it is surprisingly feisty.  I was fortunate to find this one at Middle Conco Park, just lazing on a tree branch.  I was also lucky to be able to pull my vehicle within 25 feet of it, so I could comfortably take this series of photos with my Canon 7D and 500mm lens, with a 1.4 teleconverter.  I could have removed the TC, but with leaving it attached, I could nearly fill the frame.

Vermilion Flycatcher

Vermilion Flycatcher

Vermilion Flycatcher

Vermilion Flycatcher

Vermilion Flycatcher

Click on any image to see an enlargement.

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37 thoughts on “Vermilion Flycatcher – That vivacious red bird

  1. Bob, to get a shot like that of Mr. VF calling, do you luck into it? Do you take 25 shots before you get the one? Do you just time it that well? Nice shots, as always.

    • Oh, yes, luck does play a big part in it. I kept the bird in focus for several minutes, tryng to time it to get action shots, like the beak wide open. I think I took probably 50 images or maybe a few more. That way I have several to choose from. Thanks so much for the comment, Sid.

    • 🙂 Thanks, Denise. I wish that I could make such arrangements. I just take what is there, in this case, just various blurred reflections in the water. But I love your vote of confidence. 🙂

  2. Great pictures, Bob! I’ve never been able to get close enough to take a decent picture of one of these guys in my extended travels. Love the 7D too, have had mine for a couple weeks – it seems to focus on anything, even a bird “hiding” behind a twig.

    • They are definitely hard to get close to. These are the closest that I have ever been. I love the 7D, too, having two of them. I use the most center focus point only and it makes it easier to get those birds behind the twigs. Thanks for the comment, Lisa.

  3. Awesome! The only time I’ve ever seen one was at Rattlesnake Springs at Guadalupe State back in the 90’s. Beautiful little bird. How lucky did you get with that splash of yellow in the background…striking!

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