A Coot, A Wigeon, and a Heron

Here are a few more images from our little birding trips earlier this week..

American Coot

American Coot, (Fulica americana).  Mia McPherson told me that this specie is one of the hardest to photograph, because getting the exposure right is so difficult, with the dark blacks, and that white bill.  I can certainly agree with her.  On several occasions I have tried to get decent images, and I came up short.  This time I think I may have got it right.  Photographed with my Canon EOS 7D with Canon 500mm f4 lens and 1.4 tele-converter.  1/1000 sec. @ f8, ISO 250.

Great Blue Heron

Great Blue Heron, (Ardea herodias).  I photographed this wading bird in the waning light.  He seems to be just content to stand and just enjoy the day.  Actually, I don’t think the light was really waning, but I have always wanted to say that, so I reduced the exposure to make it look that way.  It sounds poetic.  Canon EOS 7D with Canon 500mm f4 lens and 1.4 tele-converter.  1/1250 sec. @ f6.3, -0.7EV,  ISO 100.

American Wigeon

American Wigeon, (Anas americana).  I caught this guy swimming in a small neighborhood lake, hanging out with some Ring-necked Ducks.  They were pretty far away, so this photo is tightly cropped.  In the original image, he was just a smidgeon of a wigeon.  Canon EOS 7D with Canon 500mm f4 lens and 1.4 tele-converter.  1/6400 sec. @ f5.6, ISO 800.

35 thoughts on “A Coot, A Wigeon, and a Heron

  1. There is nothing waning about your wonderful sense of humor, and I think you have more than a smidgeon of talent. These are gorgeous, Bob. The heron in the …soft, calm light and so inviting, however you did it!

  2. Love your wigeon joke, Bob. Did you tell it to the coot, because he looks like he’s laughing!? I think baby wigeons should be called smidgeons! 🙂

  3. I love the waning light..very poetic..but the photo is marvelous as usual. I believe you did an excellent job on the Coot. The American Wigeon is great..you got the lighting just right on the colors of his head. Have a great day..and as usual, you gave a smile and laughter..

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