Great Blue Heron Rookery

Here in San Angelo there are several Great Blue Heron rookeries.  One is downtown along the Concho River near Santa Fe Golf course.  Ann and I visited there yesterday and after observing and photographing them, we decided that there are about six to eight breeding pairs there.  Because of the dense foliage it was difficult to get an exact count.  But I did get several photographs.  Click the images to see enlargements.

Mother and child

Mother and child

Mother and children

Mother and children

In the above photo I believe there are a total of four young ones.

Great Blue Heron baby

Great Blue Heron baby, a face only a mother could love.

The proud parents

The proud parents

Adult poised for take-off.

Adult poised for take-off.

Adult getting away from the kids for awhile.

Adult leaving, probably going fishing for food.

It was great fun watching them.  The children were keeping a constant ‘chuk, chuk, chuk’ going on.  I guess they are always hungry.  These nest were about 200 yards away in trees across the river.  I photographed them with my Canon EOS 70D and Tamron 150-600mm lens.  Of course, all images were tightly cropped.  If you are reading this in your e-mail, click on the title, and you will be able to click on the images to enlarge them and examine them in greater detail.