Calendar Praises from Maine

I just had to write this post today.  My good friend in Maine who just happens to be a former resident of Texas, or I should say is a misplaced Texan, has written a great article about your’s truly’s calendar.  Check it out at    Scroll to Texas Titbits: Special Edition, Texas Tweeties by Bob Zeller.  Not only has he has some kind words to say about me, but in the first sentence, he mentions a previous post that he wrote about the City of San Angelo: The Concho City.  Click on that for a great read also.

You can also find him at the link to the right of my page in my blogroll.  Three State Plus one.  Watch out though, you may become a regular reader of  his, as he writes an article every day about this great state of Texas.

Thank you, Toby Shoemaker