The Great Blue Heron Comes Courtin’

Yesterday, Ann and I decided to take another, yes, still another run down to the water treatment ponds at Eldorado, Texas.  I had mentioned in previous posts, how this place was one of our favorite places to bird.  It is one place where you absolutely never know what you might see.  This time we were rewarded again.

When we drove in, the temperature was mild, no wind, and the waters were quite calm.  We drove around and saw many of the usual species and I got several new photographs.  But one of the highlights of the morning was seeing this Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias)as he was doing a mating dance for a nearby female.

Great Blue Heron - Mating Dance

Great Blue Heron - Mating Dance

I was so happy to get the opportunity to see and photography this ceremony.  One doesn’t often get the chance to see such happenings in the wild.

I hope you enjoyed the photographs.  Photographic information is as follows:  Canon EOS 7D.  Canon 500mm f4 lens with a 2X tele-converter, focal length 1000mm.  1/800 sec. @ f8, ISO 400.  Shooting distance was approximately 250 yards.  Hand-held, camera resting on window sill of my Ford Edge using my Puffin’ Pad as a cushion.  As usual click on either one for an enlargement.