How about those Scrub Jays

First, I want to say thanks to the many of new subscribers that I have gotten recently.  I guess a lot of people are interested in what I have to say and like my photographs.  I have been writing this blog for over two years now.  A dear friend and my wife, both got me into this.  To date, I have had over 38,000 hits and I have readers in 116 countries and counting. 

One of my latest readers and a subscriber, is also another bird photographer.  He is John English, (website).     He is also listed at the right under my Favorite Websites.  Check him out.  If you like my bird images, you will certainly like his.   John, who lives in Abilene, Texas, have a lot in common, except he has a (sob) bigger lens.  🙂

Today, I decided to show you some old images of  the Western Scrub Jay.  They are not too recent, but I realized that I had never mentioned them in my blog.  For some reason or other, they are not in San Angelo, at least, not in any great numbers.  I photographed these at the X-Bar Ranch, southwest of Eldorado, and at the Cedar Gap Farms, just south of Abilene, Texas.

Western Scrub-Jay

Western Scrub-Jay

Western Scrub-Jay

 I hope you like the photos.  Click on any of them to see an enlargement.