A few random shots from the week

I didn’t get many really earth-shaking photos this recent week.  However, it was just as much fun, as usual, just to get out, communicate with nature, and see what might turn up.  But I can show you a few highlights.

Earlier in the week I went to check on the nest of Yellow-crowned Night Herons.  They were in the act of fledging, leaving the nest.  This photo is what you might call the class of 2012 picture.  As for most of those pictures that I had obtained, the lighting was difficult.  But thankful for a little fill-flash and post editing I managed to get an acceptable image.

fledged Yellow-crowned Night Herons
Class of ’12

I went back a few hours later and the birds were away from the nest completely.  I searched the big trees and found that they were scattered among the branches.  I also discovered another previously unseen nest, containing some more newborn.  I will leave it alone as it is far too high in the way and deep in the foliage to attempt any photograph.

Common Nighthawk

From there we went out by Twin Buttes Reservoir.  We hadn’t been out there in quite some time as, because like O. C. Fisher Reservoir, the water was pretty scarce.  As we drove through the area, we spotted this Common Nighthawk perched in a shady spot on a tree limb.

In mid-week we decided to make a run through Spring Creek and Middle Concho Parks.  Again nothing that was outstanding, but we happened to be there later in the heat of the day.  We’re talking nearly 100 degrees and the birds were smarter than us.  However, I photographed this Green Heron feeding in a small inlet of the river.  He was so unaware that I was able to nearly fill the frame with this shot.  I barely needed to do any cropping.  I was only about 35 feet away, shooting from my car window.

Green Heron

On Thursday, the day began with cloudy skies, cooler with a possibility of showers.  We had planned on making a trip to Eden, Texas, about 40 miles to our southeast.  We had read about a man that took it upon himself to beautify some land and build what he calls, a butterfly garden.  It was beautiful, full of all kinds of blooming shrubs, cacti and numerous tiny pools.  It should have been a natural haven teeming with birds, but by the time we arrived the weather had really cooled, and light rain was coming down.

We decided that we didn’t want to spend too much time there, but planned on returning at a later date.  We decided that there was time to make a run across to Eldorado, a distance of about 70 miles to the water treatment ponds there.  There is always something to see there.  The weather had cleared in that area, but it was very, very windy.  The large ponds of water actually had whitecaps on them.  Most of the water fowl was making use of the protection of the lee of the banks.  But we did catch sight of a couple of Redheads in open water.  I got this shot of one about 200 feet away.  It could have been a bit better if I would have had time to re-adjust my shutter speed for the action.  I really had to do a bunch of tweaking in my post editing to produce this image.


So we will wait and see what next week will bring, but I hope everyone enjoyed seeing these photographs.  You may click on any image to see an enlargement.

34 thoughts on “A few random shots from the week

  1. I know the feeling of times not getting any earth-shattering photos. I’ve had a few weeks of the very same thing and a lot of it due to indoor obligations. I’m hoping my luck will turn as our schedule relaxes. Sweet Night Hawk photo. In place of the quizzes I’ll check my guide and see if there are night hawks in my area. (:

    • I am always looking for that special shot, but sometimes it just doesn’t happen. Your recent post had a lot of amazing photos. You have really done well after those photo classes. Are you still taking them.

      • No more classes for now. It was a short 5 week deal, but they are always offering more. I think I’ll have a greater variety of teacher choices if I take more come fall. This last guy was a little scatter brained. (:

        • Well, I think that you really got something out of it. As for your scatter-brained teacher, I think that all of ‘artists’ are that way. Take me, for example. Please. 🙂 Have a great Wednesday, Melissa. 🙂

  2. Nice variety in these shots Bob. I especially enjoyed the nighthawk and I suspect they’re more common than many of us think – it’s just that they’re so darned difficult to spot given the way they perch on branches during daytime.

    • The first time I saw a Nighthawk sitting on a branch, someone had pointed it out to me or I wouldn’t have seen it. But now I can spot one pretty easily, that is if I am specifically looking for one.

  3. The Nighthawk is a new view for me too..Having originally come from AZ this bird is the smart one of the bunch..and the Green Heron is exquisite . For all said and done, the action you capture on film of the Redhead is great. Ducks taking off or landing always makes your heart beat a little faster as their dramas play out..take care and have a great weekend.

    • Nighthawks are unique in the way that they perch. Parallel with the branch. I agree, I would rather have action photos when I can. You have a great weekend, too, Syl, and thanks for the great comment.

  4. I’d say the common nighthawk was pretty “earthshaking” – they’re hard to find perched like that, and that was a very good portrait. The redhead in action was also well done.

    • I am glad that you liked he Nighthawk shot, Cindy. We see them quite a bit here. The Redhead shot was mostly accomplished in PS CS5. It definitely rescued me. The original was taken from so far, I didn’t think that I was going to be able get anything out of it. Thanks for the compliment. 🙂

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