Fledging Great Blue Herons

As I have mentioned in previous posts, we have been following the growth of the Great Blue Herons that are nesting on the Concho River in downtown San Angelo.  We drove by there Sunday morning and I shot this series of one of them testing his wings.  Enjoy and click on any image to see an enlargement.

“Hey, Ralphie, I am going to try and jump over to that other little branch. That will be a good test of my new wings.”
“Well, be careful, Robert, you know how Ma feels when we try shenanigans when she ain’t around.”

“Well, I am going to try it anyway, Ralphie. We just won’t tell Ma.”

“Here goes, Ralphie.”

“YEE Hahh!”

“Whoa! This is really sump’in, Ralphie!”

“Hey, Ralphie, I am ready to blow this place. There’s a big world out there.”

When we left a little later, they were still there, but I imagine that they will probably be gone the next time we go check on them again.

In the meantime, I have discovered a nest of Yellow-crowned Night Herons in another residential neighborhood.  More on that later, as I try to get photos of those chicks in coming days.

34 thoughts on “Fledging Great Blue Herons

  1. Beautiful series of photos, Bob. Loved them. 🙂

    I noticed that I missed the last quiz. 😦 And I saw the result before going for the quiz. Hmmm.

    • Thank you very much, Nandin.

      I don’t know what happened to the quiz thing. I haven’t heard from anybody else having the problem. Just a computer glitch?? Hmmm 🙂

  2. Made my day..they remind me of the kats and jammer kids..wonderful shots, and you by line is too funny. What would we do without our birds and animals..

  3. Hi, not only do you take marvelous photos … you translate “heron” fluently!! Giggle, giggle! Loved it!

    • Hi, Deb. Great to read your comment. Yep, it seems that I speak the language of the animals. They have a sense of humor, too. 🙂 Ain’t Ralphie a cutie?? 🙂

  4. Bob, these are wonderful shots and commentaries. Such is life as we try out our new wings. You are probably right about them not being around much longer. Glad that you shared the moment.

    • Thanks, Ron. Actually, the nest is on a dead tree that sticks out from the river bank and is about 20 feet high. I was across the street about 30 feet away and about 5 feet higher than the river bank. Then I hand-held my 100-400mm lens.

  5. I love the attitude of ‘Robert’ and ‘Ralphie’. This could be a long-running series! Great pics and excellent entertainment!

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