Quiz #4 Results and More Yellow-crowned Night Herons

First an announcement starting Monday my quizzes will be run from Monday until Friday.  In other words I will publish a new one on Monday, then the results on Friday.  This will make it so you don’t have to wait so long for results, and also give me more time in between to create the new ones.

So, Happy Friday to you and let’s get right to it.  I know that you have been waiting in anticipation for the results of my fourth “What Bird is This” quiz.  Here is the original photograph.

As you can see, the correct name is Western Scrub Jay, with 37 votes.  Here are the alternate photos and the votes they garnered.

Blue Grosbeak – 22 votes

Mexican Jay – 5 votes

Blue Jay – 4 votes

Eastern Bluebird 3 votes

Congrats to the people that decided that it was indeed a Western Scrub Jay.  Better luck to the rest of you in Quiz #5 that will be published Monday  morning, as soon as I get my devious mind to work on it. 🙂

In other news, I went back to “K-Mart Creek” to see if the Yellow-crowned Night Heron was still there, and it turned out to be that there were three of them.  Anyway, I got a couple more photos to share here.

Yellow-crowned Night Heron

Yellow-crowned Night Heron with food

Enjoy the photos and click on any of them to see an enlargement.